Ki-67 is a widely used marker of cell proliferation. In his talk, Regan Fulton will give an overview of the biological function of the Ki-67 protein and its utility in different clinical indications. He will demonstrate current problems with the assay’s reproducibility and suggest solutions to improve the standardization of the assay using cell lines.

Regan Fulton, CEO, Array Science, USA
Dr Fulton received his MD and PhD from the University of Minnesota and completed his residency in Anatomic Pathology at Stanford University. Following residency, he completed fellowships in Surgical Pathology and Immunodiagnosis at Stanford University and is board-certified in Anatomic Pathology. He is the founder and CEO of Array Science, LLC, a manufacturer of control and proficiency-testing material. He holds multiple patents for making tissue and cell culture microarrays. He now works full-time at Array Science, while providing pathology support in the development of diagnostics, as well as various phases of clinical trials. Dr Fulton has served as a consultant and paid speaker for several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.