Resources / Masterclass Webinar Series:
Monitoring immunohistochemical stain quality with artificial intelligence
Duration 33:41 min
Paul J van Diest, Professor, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Monitoring immunohistochemical stain quality with artificial intelligence
Duration 33:41 min
About the webinar

UMC Utrecht has established an advanced digital pathology set up in their pathology lab. In this webinar, Professor van Diest will present the results of an extensive IHC stain and stainer evaluation performed using Qualitopix. The quantification of stain consistency enabled the lab to significantly improve their stain quality for HER2 and unveil staining variations based on their stainer.


Paul J van Diest, Professor, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands

Paul J van Diest studied Medicine and did his PhD and pathology residency at VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. After obtaining his Board certification (1996) he became Consultant Pathologist, Associate Professor (1999) and full Professor (2001). Since 2003 he is Head of the Department of Pathology at University Medical Center Utrecht. This department has gone fully digital and at the moment is involved in AI-research and implementation.  He is Adjunct Professor of Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Oncology Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA, serves on the editorial board of international journals, and has been active in several international societies.

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