In his lecture, Dr Huss will summarize the previous highlights of this extraordinary Masterclass from the need for quality control in precision pathology to the implementation of an automated and AI-based solution in a routine pathology workflow. With a special emphasis on the value of AI in controlling the robust performance of standardized IHC assays, Dr. Huss will advocate the importance to IHC tests to be acknowledged as an assay without increasing the burden on routine histopathology laboratories. On the contrary, such an approach could even compensate or at least forecast assay failure which allows early countermeasures from pre-analytical to post-analytical errors.

Prof Ralf Huss, BioM Biotech Cluster Dev. GmbH & University Hospital Augsburg, Germany
Ralf Huss is a Professor of Pathology and currently the Managing Director and CEO of the Biotechnology Development Agency in Munich, Germany. Prior to this role, he was the founding director of the Institute for Digital Medicine at the University Hospital Augsburg, Germany. Dr. Huss is board-certified in anatomical, experimental, and molecular pathology, with over 30 years of experience in international academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry with a focus on histopathology, immunology, cancer research, and digital medicine.